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Financial Statements

SGC eTEC E&C works toward a better future.

  • Consolidated financial statements

    Consolidated Statement of financial position

    2014 (Unit : KRW)

    Consolidated Statement of financial position(자산)
    FY 2014 FY 2013
    Total assets 1,315,550,521,636 1,027,960,170,761
    Current assets 297,727,982,575 313,006,062,914
    Cash and cash equivalents 52,896,707,214 47,933,459,149
    Short-term financial instrument 2,166,462,029 5,958,854,295
    NEWAccount for Current assets (2)
    financial assets held to maturity 8,835,000 24,420,000
    Trade and other receivables 191,007,575,230 173,685,243,840
    Unclaimed construction 22,675,491,633 47,036,058,158
    Inventories 5,797,170,795 4,774,520,234
    Current tax assets 27,176,186
    Other financial assets 7,091,398,965 10,019,806,860
    Other current assets 16,084,341,709 23,546,524,192
    Non-current assets 1,017,822,539,061 714,954,107,847
    Long-term financial Instruments 18,000,000 1,208,000,000
    Long-term trade and other non-current receivables, gross 718,449,865 5,268,101,545
    available-for-sale financial assets 13,403,881,660 13,354,777,090
    financial assets held to maturity 48,230,000 57,065,000
    investment for affiliated company 30,886,418,899 26,386,418,899
    Property, plant and equipment 841,869,020,732 540,601,441,841
    Investment property 89,896,326,066 90,183,070,677
    intangible assets 3,027,215,956 3,216,722,643
    Deferred tax assets 4,156,770,668 7,739,255,053
    Other non-current financial assets 33,798,225,215 26,939,255,099
    FY 2014 FY 2013
    Total liabilities 1,016,990,756,641 768,229,539,442
    Current liabilities 602,345,480,135 484,203,319,080
    Trade and payables 215,910,686,996 204,971,139,114
    extracharge construction 67,128,705,881 60,613,333,813
    borrowings 306,950,256,548 194,730,290,000
    Current tax liabilities 6,954,420,577 4,755,443,557
    deferred revenue
    Other current financial liabilities 139,893,608
    other current liabilities 5,401,410,133 18,993,218,988
    Non-current liabilities 414,645,276,506 284,026,220,362
    borrowings, gross 408,611,214,703 276,764,754,636
    Post-employment benefit obligations 90,479,975 5,211,875,866
    Deferred tax liabilities 22,228,395 16,480,784
    Non-current provisions 4,408,817,586 394,719,362
    Other non-current non-financial liabilities 874,369,574 806,019,574
    other non-current liabilities 638,166,273 832,370,140
    Consolidated Statement of financial position(자본)
    FY 2014 FY 2013
    Equity attributable to owners of parent 178,715,733,648 157,009,003,542
    Issued capital 14,000,000,000 14,000,000,000
    other contributed equity 9,649,708,833 9,649,708,833
    Retained earnings 151,808,264,193 130,649,741,141
    Elements of other stockholder's equity 3,257,760,622 2,709,553,568
    Non-controlling interests 119,844,031,347 102,721,627,777
    Total equity 298,559,764,995 259,730,631,319
    Total equity and liabilities 1,315,550,521,636 1,027,960,170,761
    Prev Next
    • Consolidated Statement of financial position(자산)
      FY 2014
      Total assets 1,315,550,521,636
      Current assets 297,727,982,575
      Cash and cash equivalents 52,896,707,214
      Short-term financial instrument 2,166,462,029
      NEWAccount for Current assets (2)
      financial assets held to maturity 8,835,000
      Trade and other receivables 191,007,575,230
      Unclaimed construction 22,675,491,633
      Inventories 5,797,170,795
      Current tax assets
      Other financial assets 7,091,398,965
      Other current assets 16,084,341,709
      Non-current assets 1,017,822,539,061
      Long-term financial Instruments 18,000,000
      Long-term trade and other non-current receivables, gross 718,449,865
      available-for-sale financial assets 13,403,881,660
      financial assets held to maturity 48,230,000
      investment for affiliated company 30,886,418,899
      Property, plant and equipment 841,869,020,732
      Investment property 89,896,326,066
      intangible assets 3,027,215,956
      Deferred tax assets 4,156,770,668
      Other non-current financial assets 33,798,225,215
    • Consolidated Statement of financial position(자산)
      FY 2013
      Total assets 1,027,960,170,761
      Current assets 313|006|062|914
      Cash and cash equivalents 313,006,062,914
      Cash and cash equivalents 47,933,459,149
      Short-term financial instrument 5,958,854,295
      NEWAccount for Current assets (2)
      financial assets held to maturity 24,420,000
      Trade and other receivables 173,685,243,840
      Unclaimed construction 47,036,058,158
      Inventories 4,774,520,234
      Current tax assets 27,176,186
      Other financial assets 10,019,806,860
      Other current assets 23,546,524,192
      Non-current assets 714,954,107,847
      Long-term financial Instruments 1,208,000,000
      Long-term trade and other non-current receivables, gross 5,268,101,545
      available-for-sale financial assets 13,354,777,090
      financial assets held to maturity 57,065,000
      investment for affiliated company 26,386,418,899
      Property, plant and equipment 540,601,441,841
      Investment property 90,183,070,677
      intangible assets 3,216,722,643
      Deferred tax assets 7,739,255,053
      Other non-current financial assets 26,939,255,099
    • Consolidated Statement of financial position(부채)
      FY 2014
      Total liabilities 1,016,990,756,641
      Current liabilities ,
      Trade and payables 602,345,480,135
      Trade and payables 215,910,686,996
      extracharge construction 67,128,705,881
      borrowings 306,950,256,548
      Current tax liabilities 6,954,420,577
      deferred revenue
      Other current financial liabilities
      other current liabilities 5,401,410,133
      Non-current liabilities 414,645,276,506
      borrowings, gross 408,611,214,703
      Post-employment benefit obligations 90,479,975
      Deferred tax liabilities 22,228,395
      Non-current provisions 4,408,817,586
      Other non-current non-financial liabilities 874,369,574
      other non-current liabilities 638,166,273
    • Consolidated Statement of financial position(부채)
      FY 2013
      Total liabilities 768,229,539,442
      Current liabilities 484,203,319,080
      Trade and payables 204,971,139,114
      extracharge construction 60,613,333,813
      borrowings 194,730,290,000
      Current tax liabilities 4,755,443,557
      deferred revenue
      Other current financial liabilities 139,893,608
      other current liabilities 18,993,218,988
      Non-current liabilities 284,026,220,362
      borrowings, gross 276,764,754,636
      Post-employment benefit obligations 5,211,875,866
      Deferred tax liabilities 16,480,784
      Non-current provisions 394,719,362
      Other non-current non-financial liabilities 806,019,574
      other non-current liabilities 832,370,140
    • Consolidated Statement of financial position(자본)
      FY 2014
      Equity attributable to owners of parent 178,715,733,648
      Issued capital 14,000,000,000
      other contributed equity 9,649,708,833
      Retained earnings 151,808,264,193
      Elements of other stockholder's equity 3,257,760,622
      Non-controlling interests 119,844,031,347
      Total equity 298,559,764,995
      Total equity and liabilities 1,315,550,521,636
    • Consolidated Statement of financial position(자본)
      FY 2013
      Equity attributable to owners of parent 157,009,003,542
      Issued capital 14,000,000,000
      other contributed equity 9,649,708,833
      Retained earnings 130,649,741,141
      Elements of other stockholder's equity 2,709,553,568
      Non-controlling interests 102,721,627,777
      Total equity 259,730,631,319
      Total equity and liabilities 1,027,960,170,761

    Consolidated Statement of comprehensive income

    2014 (Unit : KRW)

    Consolidated Statement of comprehensive income
    FY 2014 FY 2013
    Revenue(Sales) 877,234,227,480 667,502,467,081
    Cost of sales -766,659,497,516 619,175,421,577
    Gross profit 110,574,729,964 48,327,045,504
    Selling general administrative expenses -52,302,050,895 47,026,253,711
    Operating Income(Loss) 58,272,679,069 1,300,791,793
    Other gains 14,899,670,384 10,116,607,108
    Other margin 145,250,278
    Other earnings 12,818,511,543 6,708,384,455
    Finance gains 1,935,908,563 3,341,135,008
    Equity method income 67,087,645
    Other losses 15,667,240,972 19,047,978,003
    Other losses from the difference of quotation 167,249,440 271,739,167
    Other cost 4,012,223,858 2,995,356,772
    Finance costs 8,624,283,380 11,179,658,177
    Equity method losses 2,863,484,294 4,601,223,887
    Profit (loss) before tax 57,505,108,481 -7,630,579,102
    Income tax expense 12,897,950,911 3,874,894,143
    Profit (loss) 44,607,157,570 -11,505,473,245
    Total comprehensive income 47,214,606,706 -10,852,663,658
    Profit (loss), attributable to
    Profit (loss), attributable to owners of parent 18,772,927,328 -26,707,581,005
    Profit (loss), attributable to non-controlling interests 25,834,230,242 15,080,710,569
    Comprehensive income attributable to
    Comprehensive income, attributable to owners of parent 21,604,488,136 -25,933,374,227
    Comprehensive income, attributable to non-controlling interests 25,610,118,570 15,080,710,569
    Earnings per share
    Basic earnings (loss) per share 6,922 -9,842
    Other comprehensive income 2,607,449,136 652,809,587
    Actuarial gains and losses 2,320,269,598 1,132,561,850
    Other comprehensive income, net of tax, available-for-sale financial assets 467,301,565 -482,660,148
    changes in equity of equity method -91,047,671 -99,497,088
    Comprehensive income -89,074,356 102,404,973
    • Consolidated Statement of comprehensive income
      FY 2014
      Revenue(Sales) 877,234,227,480
      Cost of sales -766,659,497,516
      Gross profit 110,574,729,964
      Selling general administrative expenses -52,302,050,895
      Operating Income(Loss) 58,272,679,069
      Other gains 14,899,670,384
      Other margin 145,250,278
      Other earnings 12,818,511,543
      Finance gains 1,935,908,563
      Equity method income
      Other losses 15,667,240,972
      Other losses from the difference of quotation 167,249,440
      Other cost 4,012,223,858
      Finance costs 8,624,283,380
      Equity method losses 2,863,484,294
      Profit (loss) before tax 57,505,108,481
      Income tax expense 12,897,950,911
      Profit (loss) 44,607,157,570
      Total comprehensive income 47,214,606,706
      Profit (loss), attributable to
      Profit (loss), attributable to owners of parent 18,772,927,328
      Profit (loss), attributable to non-controlling interests 25,834,230,242
      Comprehensive income attributable to
      Comprehensive income, attributable to owners of parent 21,604,488,136
      Comprehensive income, attributable to non-controlling interests 25,610,118,570
      Earnings per share
      Basic earnings (loss) per share 6,922
      Other comprehensive income 2,607,449,136
      Actuarial gains and losses 2,320,269,598
      Other comprehensive income, net of tax, available-for-sale financial assets 467,301,565
      changes in equity of equity method -91,047,671
      Comprehensive income -89,074,356
    • Consolidated Statement of comprehensive income
      FY 2013
      Revenue(Sales) 667,502,467,081
      Cost of sales 619,175,421,577
      Gross profit 48,327,045,504
      Selling general administrative expenses 47,026,253,711
      Operating Income(Loss) 1,300,791,793
      Other gains 10,116,607,108
      Other margin
      Other earnings 6,708,384,455
      Finance gains 3,341,135,008
      Equity method income 67,087,645
      Other losses 19,047,978,003
      Other losses from the difference of quotation 271,739,167
      Other cost 2,995,356,772
      Finance costs 11,179,658,177
      Equity method losses 4,601,223,887
      Profit (loss) before tax -7,630,579,102
      Income tax expense 3,874,894,143
      Profit (loss) -11,505,473,245
      Total comprehensive income -10,852,663,658
      Profit (loss), attributable to
      Profit (loss), attributable to owners of parent -26,707,581,005
      Profit (loss), attributable to non-controlling interests 15,080,710,569
      Comprehensive income attributable to
      Comprehensive income, attributable to owners of parent -25,933,374,227
      Comprehensive income, attributable to non-controlling interests 15,080,710,569
      Earnings per share
      Basic earnings (loss) per share -9,842
      Other comprehensive income 652,809,587
      Actuarial gains and losses 1,132,561,850
      Other comprehensive income, net of tax, available-for-sale financial assets -482,660,148
      changes in equity of equity method -99,497,088
      Comprehensive income 102,404,973
  • Financial statements

    Statement of financial position

    2014 (Unit : KRW)

    Statement of financial position(자산)
    FY 2014 FY 2013
    Total assets 452,936,448,859 432,590,243,053
    Current assets 250,110,180,397 232,391,323,906
    Cash and cash equivalents 27,639,502,457 26,959,049,216
    Short-term financial instrument 2,214,571,907 637,760,300
    NEWAccount for Current assets (1)
    Trade and other receivables 180,936,301,954 143,070,639,051
    Unclaimed construction 24,758,135,214 41,317,930,172
    financial assets held to maturity 775,000
    Inventories 216,358,833 278,880,270
    Other financial assets 133,765,100 179,595,221
    Other current assets 14,211,544,932 19,946,694,676
    Non-current assets 202,826,268,462 200,198,919,147
    Long-term financial Instruments 15,000,000 15,000,000
    Long-term trade and other non-current receivables, gross 718,449,865 5,268,101,545
    available-for-sale financial assets 12,845,826,000 12,250,282,310
    financial assets held to maturity 48,230,000 48,230,000
    Deferred tax assets 2,234,477,216 4,708,066,988
    investment for subsidiary company 46,322,273,587 46,041,946,487
    investment for affiliated company 14,000,000,000 12,000,000,000
    Property, plant and equipment 1,623,614,369 1,740,024,467
    Investment property 89,896,326,066 90,183,070,677
    intangible assets 2,001,479,237 2,277,009,682
    Other non-current financial assets 33,120,592,122 25,667,186,991
    Statement of financial position(부채)
    FY 2014 FY 2013
    Total liabilities 321,320,690,450 310,427,105,363
    Current liabilities 315,635,557,875 304,502,027,102
    Trade and payables 163,632,486,410 146,738,179,937
    Extracharge construction 60,778,132,078 61,965,200,927
    borrowings 87,403,000,000 87,183,500,000
    Current tax liabilities
    deferred revenue
    Other current financial liabilities 139,893,608
    other current liabilities 3,821,939,387 8,475,252,630
    Non-current liabilities 5,685,132,575 5,925,078,261
    borrowings, gross 714,083,340 714,083,340
    Post-employment benefit obligations 3,376,863,156
    Deferred tax liabilities
    Non-current provisions 3,635,214,804 363,364,379
    Other non-current financial liabilities 869,369,574 806,019,574
    other non-current liabilities 466,464,857 664,747,812
    Statement of financial position(자본)
    FY 2014 FY 2013
    Issued capital 14,000,000,000 14,000,000,000
    other contributed equity 9,649,708,833 9,649,708,833
    Retained earnings 104,774,007,513 95,785,910,873
    Elements of other stockholder's equity 3,192,042,063 2,727,517,984
    Total equity 131,615,758,409 122,163,137,690
    Total equity and liabilities 452,936,448,859 432,590,243,053
    이전 다음
    • Statement of financial position(자산)
      FY 2014
      Total assets 452,936,448,859
      Current assets 250,110,180,397
      Cash and cash equivalents 27,639,502,457
      Short-term financial instrument 2,214,571,907
      NEWAccount for Current assets (1)
      Trade and other receivables 180,936,301,954
      Unclaimed construction 24,758,135,214
      financial assets held to maturity
      Inventories 216,358,833
      Other financial assets 133,765,100
      Other current assets 14,211,544,932
      Non-current assets 202,826,268,462
      Long-term financial Instruments 15,000,000
      Long-term trade and other non-current receivables, gross 718,449,865
      available-for-sale financial assets 12,845,826,000
      financial assets held to maturity 48,230,000
      Deferred tax assets 2,234,477,216
      investment for subsidiary company 46,322,273,587
      investment for affiliated company 14,000,000,000
      Property, plant and equipment 1,623,614,369
      Investment property 89,896,326,066
      intangible assets 2,001,479,237
      Other non-current financial assets 33,120,592,122
    • Statement of financial position(자산)
      FY 2013
      Total assets 432,590,243,053
      Current assets 232,391,323,906
      Cash and cash equivalents 26,959,049,216
      Short-term financial instrument 637,760,300
      NEWAccount for Current assets (1)
      Trade and other receivables 143,070,639,051
      Unclaimed construction 41,317,930,172
      financial assets held to maturity 775,000
      Inventories 278,880,270
      Other financial assets 179,595,221
      Other current assets 19,946,694,676
      Non-current assets 200,198,919,147
      Long-term financial Instruments 15,000,000
      Long-term trade and other non-current receivables, gross 5,268,101,545
      available-for-sale financial assets 12,250,282,310
      financial assets held to maturity 48,230,000
      Deferred tax assets 4,708,066,988
      investment for subsidiary company 46,041,946,487
      investment for affiliated company 12,000,000,000
      Property, plant and equipment 1,740,024,467
      Investment property 90,183,070,677
      intangible assets 2,277,009,682
      Other non-current financial assets 25,667,186,991
    • Statement of financial position(부채)
      FY 2014
      Total liabilities 321,320,690,450
      Current liabilities 315,635,557,875
      Trade and payables 163,632,486,410
      Extracharge construction 60,778,132,078
      borrowings 87,403,000,000
      Current tax liabilities
      deferred revenue
      Other current financial liabilities
      other current liabilities 3,821,939,387
      Non-current liabilities 5,685,132,575
      borrowings, gross 714,083,340
      Post-employment benefit obligations
      Deferred tax liabilities
      Non-current provisions 3,635,214,804
      Other non-current financial liabilities 869,369,574
      other non-current liabilities 466,464,857
    • Statement of financial position(부채)
      FY 2013
      Total liabilities 310,427,105,363
      Current liabilities 304,502,027,102
      Trade and payables 146,738,179,937
      Extracharge construction 61,965,200,927
      borrowings 87,183,500,000
      Current tax liabilities
      deferred revenue
      Other current financial liabilities 139,893,608
      other current liabilities 8,475,252,630
      Non-current liabilities 5,925,078,261
      borrowings, gross 714,083,340
      Post-employment benefit obligations 3,376,863,156
      Deferred tax liabilities
      Non-current provisions 363,364,379
      Other non-current financial liabilities 806,019,574
      other non-current liabilities 664,747,812
    • Statement of financial position(자본)
      FY 2014
      Issued capital 14,000,000,000
      other contributed equity 9,649,708,833
      Retained earnings 104,774,007,513
      Elements of other stockholder's equity 3,192,042,063
      Total equity 131,615,758,409
      Total equity and liabilities 452,936,448,859
    • Statement of financial position(자본)
      FY 2013
      Issued capital 14,000,000,000
      other contributed equity 9,649,708,833
      Retained earnings 95,785,910,873
      Elements of other stockholder's equity 2,727,517,984
      Total equity 122,163,137,690
      Total equity and liabilities 432,590,243,053

    Statement of comprehensive income

    2014 (Unit : KRW)

    Statement of comprehensive income
    FY 2014 FY 2013
    Revenue(Sales) 677,698,633,868 504,100,742,288
    Cost of sales 629,207,700,514 489,979,002,445
    Gross profit 48,490,933,354 14,121,739,843
    Selling general administrative expenses 43,652,539,174 42,834,071,204
    Operating Income(Loss) 4,838,394,180 -28,712,331,361
    Other gains 12,674,149,837 9,049,645,107
    Other margin 1,767,000 18,417,263
    Other earnings 10,733,145,980 6,446,409,681
    Finance gains 1,939,236,857 2,584,818,163
    Other losses 9,119,931,116 11,401,882,276
    Other losses from the difference of quotation 235,172,900 109,644,927
    Other cost 4,961,894,458 7,196,072,895
    Finance costs 3,922,863,758 4,096,164,454
    Equity method losses
    Adjustments for foreign exchange losses
    Profit (loss) before tax 8,392,612,901 -31,064,568,530
    Income tax expense 1,780,965,778 7,098,973,281
    Profit (loss) 6,611,647,123 -23,965,595,249
    Other comprehensive income 2,840,973,596 965,141,845
    Other comprehensive income, net of tax, available-for-sale financial asse 464,524,079 -501,187,839
    Actuarial gains and losses 2,376,449,517 1,466,329,684
    Total comprehensive income 9,452,620,719 -23,000,453,404
    Earnings per share 2,438 2,438
    • Statement of comprehensive income
      FY 2014
      Revenue(Sales) 677,698,633,868
      Cost of sales 629,207,700,514
      Gross profit 48,490,933,354
      Selling general administrative expenses 43,652,539,174
      Operating Income(Loss) 4,838,394,180
      Other gains 12,674,149,837
      Other margin 1,767,000
      Other earnings 10,733,145,980
      Finance gains 1,939,236,857
      Other losses 9,119,931,116
      Other losses from the difference of quotation 235,172,900
      Other cost 4,961,894,458
      Finance costs 3,922,863,758
      Equity method losses
      Adjustments for foreign exchange losses
      Profit (loss) before tax 8,392,612,901
      Income tax expense 1,780,965,778
      Profit (loss) 6,611,647,123
      Other comprehensive income 2,840,973,596
      Other comprehensive income, net of tax, available-for-sale financial asse 464,524,079
      Actuarial gains and losses 2,376,449,517
      Total comprehensive income 9,452,620,719
      Earnings per share 2,438
    • Statement of comprehensive income
      FY 2013
      Revenue(Sales) 504,100,742,288
      Cost of sales 489,979,002,445
      Gross profit 14,121,739,843
      Selling general administrative expenses 42,834,071,204
      Operating Income(Loss) -28,712,331,361
      Other gains 9,049,645,107
      Other margin 18,417,263
      Other earnings 6,446,409,681
      Finance gains 2,584,818,163
      Other losses 11,401,882,276
      Other losses from the difference of quotation 109,644,927
      Other cost 7,196,072,895
      Finance costs 4,096,164,454
      Equity method losses
      Adjustments for foreign exchange losses
      Profit (loss) before tax -31,064,568,530
      Income tax expense 7,098,973,281
      Profit (loss) -23,965,595,249
      Other comprehensive income 965,141,845
      Other comprehensive income, net of tax, available-for-sale financial asse -501,187,839
      Actuarial gains and losses 1,466,329,684
      Total comprehensive income -23,000,453,404
      Earnings per share 2,438